Il primo portale italiano dedicato interamente alle proprieta della melatonina

I have done a buy from your website but I never received the product and the number of post-oficce you informed is not valid anymore.
Why didn´t you answer my emails? Why didn´t you never send me my products?
I hope you be in touch with me and send my products soon

my received number is: 5452-1158-3171-7002
Domanda posta da: Alessandra

Alessandra,Those writing under it is the number of registered letter of your consignment in Brazil, me not because has not arrived yet, but understands with Brazil that there is delays, I believe can still arrive, but if otrna we immediately will make back a new consignment and if it doesn't arrive within end January to your house we will make a new consignment however.

15/12/2009 Portoghese Alessandra Helena Schneider
Brasil Totale: 75 16/12/2009
RA 2642 0637 9 IT

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Per nuove domande contatta sito internet di proprieta di Clavis srl - Realizzato da InternetSol - Versione inglese Key Melatonin
Altri prodotti Clavis: Garum Armoricum e Magnesio - Key Alghe