Il primo portale italiano dedicato interamente alle proprieta della melatonina

da più di un anno ho smesso di fumare (circa 20-22 sigarette al giorno) e subito ho avuto problemi di sonno, cioè la sera alle 23,00/23,30 circa prendo subito sonno ma alle 04,00/04,30 mi sveglio e raramente dopo qualche ora mi riaddormento. ho anche il colesterolo alto (totale 240-250)e sono ansioso. da circa un mese assumo 3 compresse al giorno da 1 mg (enervit- enerzona) di omega 3 e tra non molto poichè pratico sport con bici da corsa assumo da 2 a 6 compresso al giorno di aminoacidi (big one). quale confezione di melatonina mi consigliate di acquistare e come devo assumerla. grazie
Domanda posta da: leone66
Utilizzi i classici 3 mg ,Key Melatonin Night , in alternativa se ha livelli di grassi elevati ,può utilizzare Key Melatonin Fluid ,sempre 3 mg . Una compressa a sera nel momento di coricarsi . Molto interessante è lo studio recentemente pubblicato dall'Università di Brescia ,riguardo i benefici riparatori che si hanno , su cellule e tessuti ,assumendo una semplice compressa di melatonina serale . L'azione è dovuta grazie alle proprietà antiossidanti e all'azione sui radicali liberi della melatonina .
Allego abstrat dello studio in inglese nel sito può trovare lo studio completo :

Endothelin-1 as a potential marker of melatonin's therapeutic effects in
smoking-induced vasculopathy
Luigi Fabrizio Rodella a, Gaia Favero a, Claudia Rossini a, Eleonora Foglio a, Russel J. Reiter b, Rita Rezzani a,⁎
a Department of Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, Section of Human Anatomy, University of Brescia, Viale Europa 11, 25124 Brescia, Italy
b Departement of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 15 July 2010
Accepted 11 September 2010
Oxidative stress
Vascular damage
Aims: Smoking is a significant independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Among the chemicals
present in the cigarette smoke, nicotine is responsible for much of the damage; it induces marked vessel
morphological dysfunction and vasoconstriction. Unfortunately, pharmacological or behavioural treatment is
not useful against cigarette smoking. The purpose of this study is to test, in experimental conditions, the
therapeutic ability of exogenous melatonin administered after smoking-induced vasculopathy and to
evaluate the targets of its effects.
Main methods: Nicotine was orally administered for 28 days. Thereafter, the rats were orally treated with
melatonin for another 28 days. Vessel damage, an important vasoconstrictor peptide (endothelin-1) and the
oxidative stress markers were analysed.
Key findings: Nicotine treatment induced marked endothelial damage and an obvious vasoconstriction in the
aorta as evaluated by an increased endothelin-1 (ET-1) expression. These alterations were correlated with a
reduction of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and with increases of
heat shock protein (Hsp70) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities. Melatonin not only
improved the impairment of endothelial-dependent relaxation, but also induced the increase of eNOS and
SOD and the reduction of iNOS and Hsp70.
Significance: The findings indicate that nicotine is associated with an elevated synthesis of the vasoconstrictor
peptide (ET-1); it also induces a reduction of nitric oxide-mediated vasodilatation (eNOS) and promotes
oxidative stress in the vessel wall. We propose that melatonin should be considered as a therapeutic
intervention for smokers since it reduces vasoconstriction and oxidative stress and improves endothelial

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